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Fundamentals of Android Development

With the accelerating importance of mobile devices in everyday life, one operating system has distinguished itself in terms of openness, popularity, and versatility. Since its launch in 2008, Android has taken its place among the market leaders in terms of market share. Additionally, expertise in Android development has become a highly valuable asset for developers. This course offers Java programmers an in-depth, hands-on introduction to this rapidly expanding platform.


Introduction to the Android Operating System

  • Android from the user's point of view
  • Basic concepts in modern mobile applications
  • Building a standard interface

Exploring platform-specific tools

  • Integration of Android with Eclipse
  • Debugging and profiling
  • Command-line tools for integration with other systems

Several options for creating rich applications

  • Choosing between the SDK, NDK, HTML5 or a cross-platform framework.

Using the most common subsystems (APIs)

  • Graphical development
  • XML
  • SQLite
  • Internet access
  • Content manager
  • Widgets
  • Intents


Java developpers

Special notes

Programming in Java (DEV501)