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Technical Partners

Forging Strategic Alliances,
Taking Advantage of the Open Source Technologies Best in Class

Since 1999, Savoir-faire Linux has been building a unique technological ecosystem in order to meet the challenges of digital transformation of companies. Through forging strategic alliances with recognized technology partners, Savoir-faire Linux is able to provide the best solutions to customers and respond to market needs by offering bold, flexible and powerful Open Source solutions in a timely manner.

Community Partners

Supporting the Free Software Communities,
Encouraging Cooperation and Bringing Together
Different Knowledge Resources.

Savoir-faire Linux has chosen to work in symbiosis with many free and Open Source software platforms and communities in order to ensure their sustainability and development. This relationship founded on sustainable development and knowledge sharing allows Savoir-faire Linux to benefit from continuous support from the Free communities.

  • Debian is a free operating system that uses the Linux kernel. Debian contains nearly 43,500 software packages (i.e., packages) available on a global network of mirror sites.
  • Django is an Open Source Web development framework in Python that promotes clean, pragmatic Web design with fast development.
  • Drupal is an Open Source content management system (CMS) that supports millions of websites and Web applications around the world, ranging from personal blogs to e-commerce, and more.
  • The Free Software Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote free software and protec its users. It has also been helping to finance the GNU project from the outset.
  • Python is a programming language, released in 1991. Powerful, easy to learn and rich in possibilities, Python promotes structured and object-oriented imperative programming.
  • Silver Partner
    The Linux Foundation is a non for profit consortium whose mission is to protect and standardize Linux to compet with our exploitation systems. It gathers 70 members, including Savoir-faire Linux.